February 1st, Imbolc

Its that time again, time for my 3 month vegan fasting. I will be making a post each week of my weekly vegan menu. Thanks to my wonderful wife, she introduced me to the amazing pressure cooker. She even got me a vegan pressure cooker cookbook. I’m so excited. its been about 2 years since I’ve been able to do this and it means so much. Last year I had my brain surgery recovery, and doctor thought it wasn’t a good idea, the year before I was losing to much weight and had to discontinue.

Today, I’m enjoying some Quinoa I made in the pressure cooker, turned out great, with some blueberries, and a nice cup of coffee, with coconut milk. Later, or tomorrow, I plan to make sushi. With my fast, I am allowed to eat fish.

Enjoy your day! And Happy Imbolc to all.

Happy Daddy Jess

5 Reasons to Cloth Diaper


My wife and I have been using cloth diapers since Belle was 2 months old. And let me tell you what a money saver they have been. Granted, there is a lot more involved with using cloth diapers, but i would never wanna be fully dependant on disposable diapers. When my wife and Belle are at home, which is majority of the time since she is a stay-at-home mom and works from home, cloth diapers it is. However, if we have a long trip, or will be out most of the day running errands and such, we do keep disposable diapers in the car just in case.

1) Affordable
           -Vs. disposable diapers
We all know how expensive disposable diapers can be, yet they are convenient. However, to save money cloth diapers, in the long run, is not only responsible, but even more practical. Although, it is reasonable to keep a few handy in case of long trips out and about, or at places it might not so easy to use or clean a cloth diaper.

          -Water bill
My wife told me to keep a close watch on the water bill to see if there were any, if at all, drastic changes. I’ve been writing down month to month the amounts of the water bill, and there have been no extreme increases due to the increase of washer and dryer use. At the most, our bill has increased by $5, not a unreasonable amount when you think about the amount of money you spend on top of that for disposable diapers. I will say though, that our situation might not be the same for you, so if you decide to go with cloth diapers keep an eye on your water bill.


2) More Natural
           -No Chemicals
Disposable diapers are filled with chemicals, some known to burn the skin of the sensitive babies. Cloth diapers are made from 100% cotton fabric, a PUL fabric, or TPU fabric. PUL and TPU do contain chemicals to support dryness and odor but are not harmful in anyway to your baby or the babies skin. Cloth diaper inserts are made with cotton, charcoal, bamboo, and even hemp, instead of chemicals, to help with dryness and odor, while others are made from micro-fiber, which absorb lots of moisture and are not recommended to be used against a baby’s skin.

           -Less Waste
Everyone knows that waste has become a big problem in the world, and if you could in some way help by not contributing to such a dangerous problem, why not a renewable way. Cloth diapers are a practical way to reduce trash and waste, and a responsible way to help the planet.

3) Fashionable
           -Different Colors and Designs
There are an abundance of cloth diaper sellers online. Check them out, some are handmade while others are manufactured by companies. 
Here are a few:
           1) BumGenius, or Cottonbabies
           2) Thirsties
           3) Rumparooz
           4) Happy Flute
           5) Kawaii

All of which can be found on Amazon, also. At least that’s what my wife told me. :mrgreen:




Photos by Craftsbymands and the cloth diapers are, Rumparooz.

My wife began learning how to sew as soon as she knew she was pregnant, and she had her mind set on cloth diapers. Yes, we did buy a few from the companies above, her favorites are Rumparooz and BumGenius. If you are interested it making your own, like my wife has done, you can check out the patterns at RocketBottoms.

4) Investment
           -Potty Training
The next step in the toddler life. The cloth diapers make for great training pants, and can be relatively easy to transition you little one to a potty. Like disposable diapers, training pants can get awfully expensive.

The best part of cloth diapers is that they are resellable. The covers and inserts would have to be stripped by the one who buys the used covers and inserts for safety. There are many groups on Facebook, too, to help you and answer any questions you might have. Most of which are private groups due to the nature of the topics discussed.

Facebook groups:
1) Fluff Love & CD Science

Check out the videos on YouTube, also. Search Cloth diapers! Here are a few:

Cloth diapering
Cloth diapering 101 playlist

5 Ways my Daughter helped me


Having children can either enhance who you already are, or make you lose sight of yourself, your dreams, your aspirations, and even your very core. For me, my daughter has filled a hole within myself that I thought would never be filled. She’s has not only made me one happy daddy but she has enhanced my life with being more responsible, more unselfish, more caring than I ever thought possible. Belle has brought a whole new awareness to myself and even my wife that wasn’t there before.

1) Less Selfish
      I’ve notice that within the last weeks before Belle was finally in our lives, my focus changed from myself to my wife. Throughout her pregnancy, my wife’s comfort, emotional state, and even her cravings were my top priority. Now, I will admit, my wife didn’t have crazy, off the wall cravings or demands. She is a very independent woman, and in no way would intentionally make me go out of my way for her, even though I would if she asked.

2) Respect
      My respect for my wife soared higher than before after seeing her do whatever it took to bring my daughter in to this world. She was scared, vulnerable, and strong all at once. Even now with me working 7 to 8 hours a day, she still has a smile on her face when I get home. I see it in her eyes the type of day she has had, and I do whatever she wants me to do when I get home. Whether it’s chores around the house, or giving her time to take a hot bath and relax. If anyone deserves it, she does.

3) Responsibility
      I’ve made it my main focus and priority to be the one to take on our financial responsibilities and budget so that Belle and my wife are taken care of. I take on the stress and burden of all that simply because my wife has enough on her plate. Yes, I do talk to her about our finances, no, she is not in the dark, no, I’m not hiding money or anything like that. What I’m saying is that I make sacrifices to make sure we can afford our needs, and take care of our bills.

4) More Mindful
       Spiritually, I’ve become more mindful and live within the present moment. Everyone tells me that time will fly as Belle grows up, so living in the present moment seemed to be the best solution. I’ve read many books on the subject and seems a lot of work, but yet doable.
It also makes me turn less to anger and have more of a compassion and understanding toward everything in my life.

5) Playful with other children
       Having Belle around has made me excited to see and meet other little people. At work, I make it a point to acknowledge them and ask simple things about themselves or about their day. It’s funny how my little princess would make me more open and willing to talk to other kids, where as before Belle I would not have.

Having kids really does change your life for the better, but only if you are truly accepting of the changes. I just keep in mind it’s not about me anymore, it’s all about her. It’s exciting to know that my wife and I are the ones to show her all the wonders in the world.

Till next time!
Happy Daddy,

Day at the Aquarium!


Welcome to the Aquarium!




Mommy and Belle!



Manta Ray


Whale Shark



Green Sea Turtle


Beluga Whales


It was so much fun! Belle loved every moment! Although there were giant size fish swimming around, she seemed to be more interested in the smaller ones. Silly baby.

Happy Daddy,

Georgia Aquarium
Atlanta, GA

5 Ways to Organize and Stay Sane


It’s spring cleaning time once again, and I thought it would be a great idea to share some if the things my wife and I have adopted this year to help us stay organized. Most of these will seems practical, and some will give you an, “Why didn’t i think of that!” Sometimes it’s better for someone else to mention ideas for them to actually click.

I will provide links to the pages from which some of these ideas came from. While some of the ideas to stay organized and sane are useful, hopefully, they might awaken other ideas or even more practical ways to do them that you can share with us. We are always looking for new and exciting ways to better ourselves and others, so don’t be afraid to comment something’s you do around your house.

#1 Once a Month: Clean out the fridge!

If you are like us we tend to forget about leftovers from a few days ago, or even a week. So toss it out! Get your gloves on, and spray cleaner in hand. Since my wife is a Scentsy Consultant, we use Counter Cleaner, works better than any other cleaner I’ve ever used.


#2 Once a Month: Clean your Coffee Maker!

We have a Black & Decker coffee maker, so just a cup of white vinegar in the coffee pot and fill the rest with water up to the top line. Depending on your Coffee pot, the last line could be 10 to 12 cups. Run that through your maker, dump it out or use it to clean the toilet. Fill the pot again this time just water, run it through, and Done! You can run water through multiple times if you want, but I don’t think it’s necessary. Clean the other parts, soak in water and scrub if necessary.

Yay! Already off to a good start! At least at the first of the month!

#3 Plan a Budget for the Month

Since most of our bills are paid online, makes it easy for us to pay them all at one time. We are able to split my paycheck up to pay all our bills, including groceries, plus have money to just spend, save, and invest.
– 50% of my check goes to bills
– 10% to Investment Account
– 10% to Play Account
Savings Account is a little different. I take the numbered week of the year and deposit that much in. Ex. Week 42, $42 put in Savings Account.
Works for us, share what you do in the realm of budgeting. We also do this with the money Mandi’s business brings in.

#4 Always have a Sink that Shines

My wife and I had been struggling with keeping our house in order, long before Belle came along. My mom had mentioned Flylady.net and one of the biggest ideas on the blog was to always have a Sink that Shines. No matter how you are feeling, no matter how crazy life can get, or how unorganized the rest of the house may be, waking up to a shining sink is something beautiful.


Just fill your sink up to about one inch from the top, with water and a 1\4 cup of bleach. Let your sink sit for a little over an hour. Repeat on the other side. Keeping your sink wiped and dry, again my wife uses Counter Clean from Scentsy, is key to maintaining the shine. You can probably repeat this once every 6 months or even once a year.

#5 Make sure you include your partner and/or children, friends

One thing I’ve learned with working in retail, You can’t do it all by yourself. So if you have a partner or older children have them help you. Builds compassion in children and the eagerness to help others. If you are a single parent get your friends/family involved, quality time is always the best reward.

Happy Daddy,

A Dad is not a Babysitter!

I’ve heard many times wives say, “I’ll just get her/his daddy to babysit!” Or a lot of moms hear from others when their child arent presently with them, “So your husband has babysitting duty?” To truly be a dad you don’t babysit. It is as much as the Mother’s responsibility as the Father’s to care for their child. Neither one is a Babysitter, nor should they be made to feel or think that they are.


Each parent has a special bond between their child. A Mother’s bond is different from the Father’s, but a bond none-the-less. Whether a mother or father you should feel privileged, or at least obligated, to watch or care for their own child, neither the mother nor the father should be made to feel less important. Each one holds their own responsibility for the welfare of the child.

Not to say that a Babysitter, in their own right, is not important. Single parents need the help of someone to care for their child, and that is when a babysitter is needed. There also comes a time when parents need a night out, or an evening party where children are not invited, this too is a need for such services. I’m clearly stating that a parent is not a Babysitter or should be made to feel as if their are.

It seems to be that our society is moving slow in the acceptance of dads responsibility to their kids, and in some cases the other parent doesn’t seem to appreciate the dad for stepping up to his parenting responsibility. Yes, women have been raising children since the beginning of time, but now Fathers are becoming more and more involved with their children. Society needs to change to the point of praising parenting dads and look down upon the dads that choose to not take responsibility. Yes there are always situations that keep the dads away from there children, but I’m referring to the men in our society that refuse to parent their children.

I’ve added a few links to some other articles on the subject below.

Dads are parents too, extreme rant about peoples choice of words.

Dads watching their kids, a good example of how other people devalue the role of a dad.

We will probably repeat a discussion on this topic again as it seems it has become the talk of the town.

Happy Daddy,