Letters to my daughter! Due 10-18-2015

For the past three months I have been secretly writing letters to my daughter. My wife and I had been trying for a baby for a while, and as soon as we decide to stop trying and let things happen….she gets pregnant. Only God knows the right time and place for such a blessing to have a child. So here are the letters I have written, yes I know some are corny, but I love my wife, and my Little Fairy Princess Annabelle too. 🙂 Today is my wife’s Birthday, and this is her gift.

Letters To My Child…

Dear blessed child,

First of all I want to say hello. I’m your daddy. 🙂 I can’t wait to see your face for the first time. But I have 8 more months to wait and be patient. I’ve loved you since the day your mother and I dreamed of you. You are the one thing missing in our, already, happy family. With you being a part of our family completes me and fills my heart with love. You are still to small to know whether you are a boy or girl, but no matter what God chooses, just know that we will love you no matter what. You are a dream come true, just like how your mother and I fell in love. Well, kiddo, I’ll write again soon, I love you forever.

Your Daddy

Fairy Tales do come true, and you my child are the proof.

Hey my lil’Starburst Jelly Bean,

Your mom and I started calling you that. Cuz its cute. I had a talk with your mom, and I was telling her how strange it is that I love you so much without even knowing or seeing you. It must just be a kinda of love that just comes with knowing that you are my baby. Its been one week now since your mom told me that you were coming. I’m still very excited. You mean everything to me my lil one. The time can’t go fast enough, but that moment I get to hold you for the first time will be life changing. Look at me, I’m tearing up at just the thought. I made a promise that I will read to you every night before bed. Even though, when you are still small, and you’re asleep all the time. I will put a sdie some time for just you and I. I have so many things to share with you and teach you about life. But my Lil one we will have all time in the world to share. You are the smile on my face everyday, and the sparkle of hope in my eye. I Love You my baby!

Your Daddy

I have found my hope in the eyes of a child.

Hello my lil’Love of my life,

Going on week 3 since I found out about you. Everyday is a day closer to the day we can finally be together. So far, I’ve been working and researching about being a daddy. I have made plans to teach you about every religion in order for you to choose on your own. No one religion is over another, although others think differently about that. Each in its own way provide knowledge of the existence of God, and/or the spirit within. I do believe that God has granted me you as a gift, a gift to share with the world. You are going to be the one to be the example to the world. My love, and your mothers love, is all you will need to accomplish this. We will teach you everything you need to know, and in the same manner you will teach us as well. I await the day of your birth, when we can finally meet. I Love You with every fiber of my being. And know that so many others are excited to meet you, also. You are already bringing joy to the hearts of so many.

Your Loving Daddy

For truth is found in the eyes of a child. For they shall teach us our humanity.

My little Jelly Bean,

Its the 7th week of your mother’s pregnancy with you and we have a doctors appointment on Thursday. We are hoping to get at least a glimpse of you, but if not then in the near future, definitely. We have already been picking up a few things, here and there. We bought some cute oneises for you when you are born. Most woodland creatures, moms big on the foxes for some reason, but I’m cool with it. You are as much your mothers child as you are mine, so I guess she can have a few decisions about what you can wear. Lol Anyway, just wanted to tell you I Love You, and every week is a week closer for you to be in my arms.

Your Loving Daddy!

Hello my Sweet little Jelly Bean!

As you will soon be aware, your daddy likes to knit. So with that on mind, I have decided to knit you a few outfits, a baby kimono and a baby Link outfit to name a few. Since it is something I love to do, I figured I’d might as well make something for my sweet little jelly bean.

We get to see you for the first time in a week! I can’t wait. You have stolen my heart the day your mom told me you were on your way. I love you so much my Lil jelly bean!


My Lil bean!

Tomorrow is the day. I get to see you. I’m so excited, thrilled, and nervous all at once. I’ve been working on your kimono, so far its turning out so cute. Hopefully you’ll get to wear it home from the hospital. I also found a cute rainbow unicorn crochet doll I’m going to make for you. You’ll love it too, I hope. Lol

We have started to get your room ready for you. Yes, we still have 7 months to wait, but its best to start now then rush right before its time. Little bit everyday! So by the time you get here everything will be waiting for you my little sweet baby. So far, everything is perfect, other than the nausea your mom has. But its all a part of you becoming big and strong.

Loving you more than life,
Your Daddy

My sweet baby!

I can’t believe a week has gone by. Everyday closer to your arrival day. I can’t wait I’m so excited. All day at work, all I think about is you and when I get to hold you, and kiss your little toes. 🙂

I know I’m silly. You come to realize just how silly your day can be. I’ll always make you smile or laugh, I’ll be there for you always. You’ll be my Lil jelly bean, and I’ll be your daddy.

Mommy has had it rough, her sinuses are going crazy, and sadly there is nothing she can do for it. But she’s a tough mommy, and she’ll push through it cause in the end it will be all worth that day we see your Lil face for the first time.

I Love You forever and always,
Your Daddy

My Lil jelly bean!

Its been another week, two weeks since I first laid eyes on you. My love for you grows everyday. You are the most special thing in my life, and I truly can’t wait for the day that you will be in my arms smiling up at me.

Still working on your kimono and I’m almost finished your cuddly unicorn.

The days seem to go by so slowly, yet so fast. Mom and I have started getting everything ready for you. Many of our friends are so excited for you to be apart of our life. They have given us clothes, towels, and blankets all for you. Now they just wanna know if you’ll be a boy or a girl. Lol For me either way I just want you to be healthy, and to me you’ll always be beautiful.

With so much love,
Your Daddy

Happy Easter My Lil Bean!

Its Easter, and can’t help but to think next year at Easter I’ll be holding you in my arms. It was a good day with the family. Grandma, tried a new recipe she got from Pinterest. It was good. Not a big pork eater, and probably neither will you be. Lol All and all it was a good day.

Your mom and I continue to clean out your room from all the junk that I’ve collected over the years and found a few things from when I was a baby to give you. Not a day passes that I don’t think about you my Lil jelly bean! I love you my sweet miracle.

Love Always,
The Happiest Daddy in the World

My Lil baby!

Once again I try to tell myself to be patient, and it never fails that this daddy is to excited. I’ve started writing a book series about you and your brother or sister. Its a fantasy type series, but has a touch of reality mixed in. So get to work daddy, you need to say. So by the time you get here book 1 will be completed. Lol

I’ve also decided that my nickname for you will be ‘Otsoko’ which means ‘little wolf’ in Basque. I think it will suit you seeing that your daddy is a werewolf and all. Lol You are the miracle baby of a Werewolf and Fae. So you’ll be destined to change the world. I Love you my Otsoko. Your arrival can’t come any sooner. Next year we can spend the summer together.

The Most Blessed Daddy in the World

My Little Otsoko,

Another week has gone by and you are now 14 weeks. Mommy told me that you can finally hear me talking to you. So we plan on listening to music and reading to you everyday. Its so exciting to learn about how you are growing day by day. I’ve decided I wanna get your Mommy a fire opal necklace, since that will very well be your birth stone. It will represent, not only, your birth but the fire in my heart for the love I have for you. And it will be a constant reminder for mommy of how very special you are to us.

I finished the kimono I was knitting for you, and have started on a pair of pants that will match. Its so much fun to make stuff for you. Makes the whole experience that much more real. I’m glad that I started writing you these letters. It makes me feel like I have something that’s just between you and I. And I know mommy will be so surprised when she finds out that I’ve been writing to you. I Love You my sweet baby. Everyday is a day closer for us to finally be together.

Your Loving Father.

God only gives us what he knows we are able to handle.

My Sweet Little Baby,

You are now 15 weeks and the size of an apple. Which you don’t know what an apple is right now, but when you read these letters you’ll know. Mommy told me that you are able to hear now. So she has begun to read aloud to you and playing classical music from the masters like Bach, Chopin, Mozart, and Beethoven. This is said to help with you development. We want you to be the best, and we are willing to do what it takes.

I’ve started on the draw string pants for you, and they are turning out to be so cute. I can’t wait to see you in them! They might be a little big at first but you will soon grow into them, and then daddy will have to make some new ones. Lol

In less than 2 weeks we will know whether you are a boy or a girl. I’m excited either way, because I will love you more than anything in this world. I did have a dream that you were a little girl. This is the second dream that I’ve had. But we all know that daddies visions are backwards. But I do have thoughts about you being a boy, too. So its still up in the air. My mind must not be able to see and feel you yet. But soon enough.

I Love You my Lil Angel

Love You Forever,

My sweet little baby,

This is the week! Saturday I get to find out if you are a boy or a girl! I’m so excited. Every week is a step closer to seeing you. Your momma wants me to make you a knitted blanket with Totoro on it! Looks easy enough, it will just take some time to finish it. I’ve still got 4 more months to go.

Everyone at work is eager to find out about your gender. They are so excited for us that you will soon be apart of our little family. Now you are 16 weeks in to your mommas pregnancy. Momma feels good for the most part, but the heartburn and reflux is getting to her. At least the morning sickness and headaches are gone for the most part. For some reason she is really enjoying tuna sandwiches, pizza, and salt and vinegar chips. Odd huh. Lol But she is enjoying every minute of this great adventure. Your momma is a strong woman, and she is such a trooper. We both love you every much. You really are a dream come true.

I Love You my sweet baby,

My Princess Annabelle Leigh,

You are my life, my heart, my soul! Now that we know your name, you’ve become that much more precious to us. My sweet daughter, you fill my heart with such joy and happiness. I’ve grown more impatient for the day that I get to hold you in my arms and kiss your sweet little face.

Look I’m already tearing up…I Love You so much. So much is planned for you. And Daddy needs to get his stuff done. I plan on writing you a book of fairy tales, based on your mother and I, and our family and friends. And I need to complete book one of Henry and your novel. Mommy is looking at cute patterns to make things for you, and I’ve still been working on my knitting for you.

Hopefully by the end of the week I’ll have started on your Totoro blanket. You will absolutely love it.

I Love You my Sweet Little Princess Bella.

Your Loving Daddy

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